Child Labour and Exploitation.

Child labour deprives children of their right to go to school and reinforces intergenerational cycles of poverty.

According to data from Census 2011, the number of child labourers in India is 10.1 million of which 5.6 million are boys and 4.5 million are girls. A total of 152 million children of which 64 million are girls and 88 million boys are estimated to be in child labour globally, accounting for almost one in ten of all children worldwide.

There are over 300,000 child beggars and street vendors in India with a total population size of 1.2 billion, as the gap between rich and poor is wide, according to the Indian National Human Rights Commission.
These children find their way to the streets owing to diverse reasons, but mainly because of poverty and an unstable home. However, what awaits them on the streets is a life of challenges. These children get no education or training to make a better living and therefore, end up adopting begging or vending as a profession.

Saw this kid with his mother on 2nd November 2020 while hanging out with my friends, there we bought a balloon from him. A few days later I found them on the same street I clicked some pictures of them and bought this kid some biscuits and juice. Then his mother asked me some questions about "Who am I ?", "Why was I clicking there pictures ?" and all but when I gave the kid those biscuits and stuff and was leaving she asked me one last question which I couldn't answer that was " How we'll be benefitted from this ? " 

Some children work on their own wish as they are the only breadwinners of their family.

So, now the question is how to encourage them to get education ?
1. Providing them scholarships
2. Mid-day meal programs
3. Better education facilities at govt schools would encourage them.
4. Strict laws for child labour
5. Body to keep an eye on people hiring children as labourers.

Such ways would lead to the betterment of such children.



