Odin and Grotesk Design Studio's profileJethro Olba's profile

Bangon Pinas

Illustration / Campaign / Merch Design
Filipino Flex Bangon Pinas | Waking Up to a New Normal, Bangon Pinas Pays Homage to the Jeepney Community

The concept behind Bangon Pinas was a look into the average Filipino's "new normal." Due to the consequences of the pandemic, hundreds of small, local businesses were forced to close up shop, while thousands were suddenly out of a job. Those most affected were part of the transportation industry—namely, jeepney drivers. As part of I Saw Design PH's initiative, we wanted to pay homage to these everyday soldiers and remind them that we, too, would fight for a better future.

For Bangon Pinas, we incorporated design elements from traditional jeepneys—from bold lines, eclectic typography, warm colors, and religious illustrations, to intricate patterns that wrapped around the entire vehicle. We used these elements to reflect Filipino values—particularly those of resilience, hard work, hospitality, joy, and faith regardless of the situation.

Bangon Pinas became part of I Saw Design PH's #FilipinoFlex initiative, which launched at the Asia Art Archive gallery show in Seoul, Korea. Bangon Pinas was also featured in Adobo Magazine. Overall, Bangon Pinas served as a reminder of Filipino heritage, as jeepneys slowly become obsolete.

I Saw Design Ph

Visual Identity

Arts & Culture
Project Team
Art Direction & Illustration by Jethro Olba

Adobo Magazine

Bangon Pinas

Bangon Pinas

Waking Up to a New Normal, Bangon Pinas Pays Homage to the Jeepney Community
