Miko Kresnatama's profile

Voice Over Script Part 2

As a voice over enthusiast, of course you will continue to try to develop yourself. The self-development process for voice over enthusiasts also varies, starting from looking for voice over scripts that can be used to practice your reading, starting to learning a lot about recording, editing, mixing, and mastering, learning to lip sync (especially for who want to be a dubber), practice breathing, to learn how to use the Digital Audio Workstation / industry standard audio recording software.

Wow, is there a lot to learn? There is really a lot that you need to learn if you want to be successful in the Indonesian voice over industry . As we have said on many blogs before, being a voice over talent seems easy, but it's not really that easy. Like a musician who is good at playing a musical instrument, you have to hone your supporting skills in order to be able to compete with fellow voice over talent to get the 'stage'. Read more...

Voice Over Script Part 2

Voice Over Script Part 2


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