Zhang Shuo's profile

2019 UABB 深双溪涌分展 – 自在溪涌 At Ease in Xichong - VI


2019 深港城市\建筑双城双年展(UABB)溪涌分展场——自在溪涌,展览场地位于深圳市大鹏新区溪涌,策展人为韩晶和握手302。溪涌分展场以“自在溪涌”为主题,尝试传达出一种观念:科技创新和城市空间的未来价值,应该是重塑人与自然、人与人的关联,形成一种新的“无所达致,自然而然”的“自在状态”,由此,人类才能更积极地成为科技城市的主体。




周期:2019.11 - 2019.03


展场设计:趣城工作室(ARCity Office)


2019 UABB (Shenzhen) Xichong sub-venue——At Ease in Xichong, the exhibition is located at Xichong, Dapeng New District of Shenzhen, and the curators are Han Jing and Handshake 302. The branch exhibition in Xichong is taking “At Ease in Xichong” as the theme, trying to express a conception: the future value of technological innovation and urban space is supposed to be rebuilding the connection between human and nature, and the connection among humans, to create a new state of “stand at ease” which is “spontaneously and naturally being the way it is”. Therefore, human can become the principal part of the technological city in a more active way.


For the visual design of At Ease in Xichong, we wish to respond to the theme of “stand at ease” in the way of designers. The main part of the poster is composed of hand drawing marine organism elements. During creating those elements, the impression of rough and simple hand drawing was made on purpose, and the presentation of the marine organism elements were restrained. In the end, the elements are put all over the theme design just like the way of gravels are on the beach: on one hand, it reflects the impression of leisure from the exhibition place——the seaside; On the other hand, we are hoping that those visual elements which resemble the natural gravels and stones can bring people a distant imagination of the primeval building materials.


Team members:
Creative director: Zhang Shuo
Design director: Zhang Shuo, Zhou Xieyi
Designers: Zhou Xie, Xu Xiaofeng, Du Minliang
Scale: 10000 square metres
Venue: Dapeng New District, Shenzhen City
Work cycle: 2019.11-2019.03


Curator: Han Jing, handshake 302
Exhibition design: ARCity Office
Space photography: Bai Yu

2019 UABB 深双溪涌分展 – 自在溪涌 At Ease in Xichong - VI


2019 UABB 深双溪涌分展 – 自在溪涌 At Ease in Xichong - VI
