Photo study sketch.
Photo study sketch, playing with the lighting on this one.
Photo study sketch.
Brush pen sketch of a certain Snake.
Zombies, Guns, Soldiers...Oh my. Testing out a different style.
Biggu Boss!
1MOA Solutions' Sniper instructor - Adam Wilson with his absolutely badass looking custom precision rifle.
'I don't know what it's called. I just know the sound it makes when it takes a man's life."

I know this sounds trivial, but I was pretty pleased when I found a way to replicate the Multicam pattern with white ink pen. tongue emoticon yeah cheap thrills I know...

** The rifle is a customized Remington M700/M40 SRS for those of you who are curious as I am. **
Austrian Jagdkommando - Numquam Retro
Watercolor, brush pen and white pencil on brown paper. wink emoticon

Jagdkommando...just pronouncing the word sounds fearsome.
more Tactical Ink - I should trademark this phrase...maybe. :p
Captain Price, is that you?
UKSF and his Haired Missile companion. Wuff.
 MARSOC - 'Level Zero Heroes'
"It is a brave act of valor to condemn death, but where life is more terrible than death it is then the truest valor to dare to live."
Brown paper, japanese brush pen, water color + white ink


Collection of sketches, digital and traditional media.
