Ode to a Cube is a maquette of a cubic sculpture. The sculpture consists of a 6 inch base with a 3 inch cube. The scale is 1"-1'. 
         To create my design I started with brainstorming a list of words to influence my design. These words included levels, balance, movement, hierarchy, proportion, pattern, radiate, geometric. From these words I starting brainstorming ideas in thoughts and in sketch. I wanted my design to emphasis the cube while also focuses on the supporting structure. The materials used were basswood, foam board, wood glue and Elmer's glue. 
      My design includes 4 levels increase in size by 1 inch as you move up. The first square is 3 inches and the very top square is 6 inches with the 3 inch cube in the center.  The levels are 1/2" around with the center cut out. The space in between the levels is 2 inches with supporting diagonal wood. The design created emphasizes the spinning cube and the negative space of the structure creates interesting shapes as you view it from different perspectives. 

Ode to the Cube

Ode to the Cube


Creative Fields