Cliente: spiceuptheroad
O On the Road é um aplicativo powered by Spice up the Road, com objetivo de incentivar as pessoas a viverem experiências únicas pelo mundo, compartilhando dicas exclusivas de viagem e roteiros especiais. No app você pode explorar pontos e atividades das principais cidades e ainda salvar os seus favoritos, criando e compartilhando roteiros personalizados. O desafio do projeto: desenvolver a identidade visual do app, a experiência do usuário (UX) e a interface (UI). 
On the Road is an application powered by Spice up the Road, with the objective of encouraging people to live unique experiences around the world, sharing exclusive travel tips and special itineraries. In the app you can explore points and activities of the main cities and still save your favorites, creating and sharing personalized itineraries. The challenge of the project: to develop the visual identity of the app, the user experience (UX) and the interface (UI). 
On The Road App

On The Road App

On the Road is an application powered by Spice up the Road, with the objective of encouraging people to live unique experiences around the world, Read More
