Renato Bratkovič's profile

IR Image • knjiga, a book

Kot kreativni direktor v agenciji IR Image sem si zamislil in uredil knjigo vsebinskega marketinga, za katero so vsi zaposleni morali napisati članek s področja, ki ga profesionalno pokrivajo. Prispeval sem članek o pomenu zgodbe za blagovno znamko in ustvaril stripovske pasice, ki so vsebino člankov obrnile na hec.

As a creative director at the IR Image ad agency, I created a concept and edited the content marketing book, where all the employees had to write an article about the area they covered professionally. I contributed one of the articles about brand storytelling and created little comic strips that mocked the content of each article.
“Then the hero rescued the dragon from unsatiable princess’ claws and they drank Coca-Cola happily ever after.”
(The illustration of an article about creating contact between a brand and customer/buyer)
“When you work with us, you can be relaxed, as our creative team is going to cover ALL your needs!”
“The writer attacks from the left ... The designer takes over from the right, and the project manager covers them both. On the client’s signal, the closer one hits the goal!”
“You get lost reading all these fake news — I only read local news. You?” “I hear all important news in this here ‘local’ ... Right, Mitzi? Give us both another beer!”
“Could you, please, make it just a little bit bigger? No, I’m not vain, my eyesight is getting worse!”
“With a well-thought gift, you’ll show attentiveness and surprise the recipient.”
“The general rule is ‘less is more’. Use just two or three fonts in your text. Although there are messages where multiple font use is highly recommended!”
“We would like a bigger logo, but not too big ... Let there be more text in the brochure, but the pages have to breathe ... And add some more color, but it shouldn’t be too colorful!”
“Presence in social media is crucial for companies. Well, since we’re here, let’s like this and this, and share that!”
“Creativity is a muscle. So each creative is also recreative. And sometimes a lotion is not just a lotion! Action requires reaction and creation!”
“Yes, I’m just composing an email. Of course, SMS is on its way. I get it, leave her alone today — call tomorrow. I postponed your meeting to 2 pm. The package is ready, yes. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
“A great leader has authority. But most importantly, he/she has to have an ear for music!”
“We’ll create a better society if we strive to meet higher goals!” (In his hand: WHY?!)
“Tools that are available today help us create an adequate media landscape ... Or media portrait.”
IR Image • knjiga, a book

IR Image • knjiga, a book
