Studio Lennarts & De Bruijn's profile


To the windoooowww, to the wall. BEHOLD! Some sweet shots of ‘De Affiche Galerij’ exhibition in our very own The Hague. 56 meticulously selected posters and 4 explanatory ones make up a total of 60 bangers in beautiful lightboxes. Haags Gemeente Archief did an outstanding job putting SSSS on display.

All part of our Stay Sane Stay Safe campaign:

In response to the pandemic called COVID-19, we've launched a positive poster platform together with our partner in crime overdeschreef. The platform, now home to almost 2000 bright and witty posters contributed by designers from over 83 countries, allows anyone to submit, download, print or share posters to "support lifesavers and to inspire home-stayers".

It all started March 22nd with a question from our friend, who works at a hospital, to design an uplifting poster for his colleagues. One shower thought and a phone call later, we decided this project could and should be bigger. Stay Sane, Stay Safe (SSSS) saw the light of day.

That very same day a fully functioning platform was up and running as a positive response to the global corona crisis. That same Sunday we also got overdeschreef on board and the three of us managed the whole project by ourselves. Fully pro bono. And boy we can tell you that positive energy can get you pretty damn far!

One of the goals was to help spread positive messages to get everybody through lockdown safely with a smile. Besides setting up the online platform, we've also succeeded in getting posters to Dutch hospitals and displaying posters in the public space.

We got covered by local and international news outlets, but we also managed to get 36 posters projected on a huge building in Amsterdam in a span of three weeks. Oh, and some posters also got showcased on a humongous 400 * 27 meter (!!!) LED façade in Amsterdam, colloquially known as the Ziggo Dome.
Obviously, we couldn’t have done this without some tremendous help of others. Eternal karma for their souls.

Of all things we’ve had in mind, our biggest goal (at first) was sending some posters to hospitals in The Netherlands. You’ve already read some humble bragging above, so here’s some photographical proof of posters actually being up at some of the hospitals.
You can imagine that this feels as one of the biggest achievements in the entire project. We're more than thankful for Drukkerij Tielen and Stroom Den Haag for making this possible. You guys have made us SO proud!

Pictures are taken in Amphia Breda and UMC Utrecht! Unknown nurse remains unknown, but the cheerful tatted up one is the amazing Ruben van Schaik. Thank you so much to both of you for sending us some pics in these crazy, busy times!

Pictures are taken in Amphia Breda and UMC Utrecht! Unknown nurse remains unknown, but the cheerful tatted up one is the amazing Ruben van Schaik. Thank you so much to both of you for sending us some pics in these crazy, busy times!
After setting up the SSSS platform, more room for side quests emerged. On the right side you will find some pictures of our collaboration with Exterion Media. ADCN played matchmaker in this cool collab, BTW.

Exterion owns a shit ton of digital advertising pillars and offered to loop 16 posters (in a set of 4x4) on 2500 of those pillars throughout The Netherlands.

So, when you are in town and you have to run errands like getting gas, grass or groceries, chances are that you come across a fine curation of posters from SSSS! And if you don’t have to run errands, just stay indoors, okay? Pinky promise?

