Fantastic Woods
This Portfolio has been prepared from my love of the enchanting woods. This is a collection of seamless surface patterns inspired from surroundings of the woods and their plethora of inhabitants - the flora and the fauna. A series of mockups have also been presented as possible product ranges bearing the patterns.
Inspiration & Color Board
Here goes my original collection of surface patterns - Fantastic Woods.
The Curious Hare (Green)
The Walking Bird (Green)
The Red Cockatoo (dark)
Chatting Parrots
Tangled Tailorbirds
The Owl and Squirrel Nights
The Walking Bird (Black)
The Curious Hare (Brown)
Mushrooms & Butterflies
The Owl & Squirrel Days
The Red Cockatoo Days
Design Process Video
The Mockups
Fantastic Woods


Fantastic Woods
