Roberto Pia's profile

Accademia di Musica Sarda - Brand Design

Accademia di Musica Sarda - Brand Design

Il progetto grafico nasce dall'idea di "crescita rigogliosa e dalle radici ben salde". In questo caso idealizzata da uno degli strumenti più iconici della musica isolana "is launeddas", piantate nel terreno, in crescita rigogliosa verso l'alto. Questo a significare la grande tradizione che la musica nostrana si porta dietro da secoli e che L'Accademia di Musica Sarda vuole, non solo mantenere viva, ma anche divulgare e innovare.

The graphic project was born from the idea of "luxuriant growth and strong roots". In this case idealized by one of the most iconic instruments of island music "is launeddas", planted in the ground, luxuriantly growing upwards. This means the great tradition that our local music has been carrying for centuries and that the Academy of Sardinian Music wants, not only to keep alive, but also to disseminate and innovate. 
Accademia di Musica Sarda - Brand Design

Accademia di Musica Sarda - Brand Design

The graphic project was born from the idea of "luxuriant growth and strong roots". In this case idealized by one of the most iconic instruments o Read More
