Jan Międzobrodzki's profile

"The Cookbook for My Children and Grandchildren"

Małgorzata Międzobrodzka "Książka Kucharska dla Moich Dzieci i Wnuków" / "The Cookbook for My Children and Grandchildren"
This is the family project I've created with my Mom.
We've decided to gather all the family recipes from an old notebook and print as "The Cookbook for My Children and Grandchildren".

Every recipe has an introduction - a personal short story related to it.

It's not only a transfer of family traditions, but also an immortal piece of my Mom's personality for future generations.

I've created an app with this Cookbook every member of our family can use.
Just scan the QR from inside of the book and use it on any mobile device.

Hard cover
Paper: B5, Mohawk Eggshell i-Tone ® Ultra White, 104 pages
Fonts: Minion Pro 14pt Regular/Semibold, Minion Pro 20pt Semibold

Jan Międzobrodzki, 2020
"The Cookbook for My Children and Grandchildren"

"The Cookbook for My Children and Grandchildren"
