Rahma Aripratama's profile

Rahm Personal Identity Animated Logo

Basic Idea
Lifeline : Using time in the course of my life
Systematic : Process creating logo with amazing system
Accurate : Right to make decisions
Basic Concept
I chose to use the birth date and deadlines logo as the main concept.
My birth date is 01/20/1992 and the 09/09/2013 as deadlines logo is generate amazing number!
The amazing number is 7787.
7787 was obtained from the number of days from the date of 01/20/1992 and 09/09/2013.
7787 is in the order of 986 of the 10000 sequence of prime numbers.
90 80 60
III Alternative Selection Logo Shape
Logo Shape I 
Logo Shape II
Logo Shape III
Logo Selection
Colour Concept
I use my colors palletes with number like a birthday date,
date line logo finished, my prime number, and sequence of prime number list.
Colours Palletes I
Basicly chose my birthdate 20.01.1992 as CMYK 
Colour Palletes II 
Deadline Logo Finished in 09.09.2013 as CMYK
Colour Palletes III
Colour Palletes IV
Basic Constructuction Logo Shape 60.80.90 as CMYK
Colour Selection
Final Selection Logo From 4 colors Palletes
Thank You!
Rahm Personal Identity Animated Logo

Rahm Personal Identity Animated Logo

My animated self logo in 2013
