Golden Taiga

Project Description —

Golden Taiga started as a requirement for an emerging audiovisual production of Karate-do Shotokan classes. 
Shotokan Karate is a weaponless martial art that is founded on the basic techniques of punching, striking, kicking and blocking, yet there is a deeper aspect to serious Karate training which deals with character and personal development. 

Shotokan Karate is a way for an individual to realize greater potential and expand the limits of that individual’s physical and mental capabilities.

Our client was looking to create an identity, influenced by this particular Karate style under the naming Golden Taiga (Tiger — Japanese) based on the concepts of wisdom, tradition, and elegance.

We focused mainly on bringing to life the core values of this martial art discipline displaying strength and character through the tiger icon, logotype, and colour selection.

We helped create —
Logo, Visual identity applications sample.​​​​​​​

Thank You

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Golden Taiga

Golden Taiga

Karate martial art logo for a Chilean academy.
