Klint Std Poster
Digital mockup of final design
Process: This design is to highlight the font family Klint Std and its history. I began by laying out the information with the font name at the top and the other information placed in order below it. As I continued creating thumbnails I tried out different layouts and found that moving the font name to be on the side created interest. I then added blues and greens to the elements to connect the idea that Klint Std is used for math and science information. After adding color I found using a bcakground connected to math such as grid paper allows for me to have a grid to design with and strengthen the math connection. I also used adobe color and the background I chose to find colors that relate directly with the math topic. After implementing the colors and grid I came to the final mockup.
Left : First Black and White layout design Right: Best layout with color
Klint Std Poster

Klint Std Poster
