Nude Stories

Nude Stories

Nude Stories is a cosmetic brand specialising in body oils and scrubs. Our goal was to create a brand identity and ideology that would broadcast sincerity, self-love, and a need to spend time with oneself.

The concept of communication is intimacy of traveling alone: a romantic vision of a journey through picturesque scenery, daydreaming solitary evenings spent alone in a hotel suite. Each body oil and scrub epitomises a profound personal experience gained in this longest journey.

The packaging consists of two layers: the white outer box symbolising the public persona while the beige inner layer represents the true identity. Unpacking Nude Stories products means to literally bare them. By using Nude Stories we expose our bodies, thoughts, and emotions.

Feel free to contact:
+54 911 54602376

Designed by Redo Bureau 
Buenos Aires

Nude Stories

Nude Stories

Nude Stories is a cosmetic brand specialising in body oils and scrubs. Our goal was to create a brand identity and ideology that would broadcast Read More
