Yeonsoo Bang's profile

Orcinus orca Project 2_Personal project

Orcinus orca Project 2:
Logo and infographic_Personal project
Personal project
This is the project of Orcinus orca (a killer whale). 
I made a character,logo and an infographic.
This page includes the logo and infographic only. 
If you want to see the character, please open "Orcinus orca Project 1”.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline is a 24-hour confidential service for survivors, victims and those affected by domestic violence, intimate partner violence and relationship abuse (Wikipedia).
The National Domestic Violence Hotline already has their own logo. I designed a new logo using a killer whale. The reason I used a killer whale is because the killer whale is a top predator in the ocean but at the same time, they are family-oriented. Even though they are a predator, they are gentle with their family. I wanted to make the logo look warn and safe with the whale.
The red color represents the danger of domestic violence.
The mom and child whale in the logo represents the family bond.
I designed two logos: one with type and one without.

A killer whale has marvelous power and speed. How can they do that?
The key is a special muscle that they have.
Because of this muscle, they can get 85% of their power back.
In this infographic, you can see how they move and how this special muscle is working.
I made the infographic a simple vector graphic so that it is easy to understand.

Thanks for watching!

Orcinus orca Project 2_Personal project


Orcinus orca Project 2_Personal project
