Jeremy Frost's profile

Previous Course IDT552

Previous Course
Jeremy Frost
Fullsail University

In the previous course, which was completed on September 27, 2020, there were three major areas a Value-Added Proposition, A Project Design Brief, a Training Needs Assessment. We also worked on infographics. We learned about company training procedures that are used in corporations. We also learned about SMEs (Subject Matter Experts).
The Training Needs Assessment I struggled with because I believed that the target audience were the customers. Both companies that we studied I had experience with. There was a company that was a call center, which was the last industry I worked at, and a company that was mystery shopped. I have been a mystery shopper for 8 years. I finally understood that the target audience were the employees.
I chose to go with the company that was mystery shopped which was called “Purrfectionary.” On my infographic, there were comments about putting references at the bottom and putting in different descriptions. I couldn't add different descriptions into the boxes that I developed because the infographic became cluttered and I had only used generic customer service words that I put in boxes surrounding the word “Customer Experience.” The project design brief came out a lot better. The comments that I received were that I had to fix the prototype production workflow.
After that, using Adobe XD we created a video draft with the introduction separate. The video we watched was from Paul Trani (Trani, 2018). He went through everything slowly, so it was easy to understand. Because the two were separate, my introduction didn’t work out at first. From the video, I never found out how to film myself and then switch to a screenshot. I should have worked harder editing my final version because it didn’t flow from the infographic to the eLearning module I had created. But, in the final version, It came together. The only problem I had was I couldn’t figure out how to do a video of my face doing the introduction and then have it work out. We were told to use the video by Shari Harley. In the video, she explains that you shouldn't’ introduce yourself because no one wants to hear that. I did get points deducted and comments in the draft because I took her advice (Shari Harley, 2008).
Customer Service
The Training Needs Assessment allowed me to draw on my strengths working in customer service for the past 30 years. It also taught me a lot by the SMEs I chose. I chose two different people that went and explained that what was really need was not customer service but rather a “customer experience.” I learned about a mantra, a brief saying that each employee can remember, understand, and live by (Shep Hyken: Customer Service & CX Expert, 2017).
I had to learn Keynote because I had never used it. I had to watch numerous tutorials on Illustrator because I still don’t have a grasp on it. The tutorials I did watch however made me feel more comfortable in the program (Harmer, 2019). The eLearning module I created went through the “mantra” that I created and then went into an assessment that I presented. On my first attempt, I was told to make the module interactive because it would come out better. I made the module interactive and demonstrated that in the presentation as well.
Krum, R. (2013). Cool Infographics: Effective Communication with Data Visualization and Design (1st ed.) [E-book]. Wiley.

Harmer, T. (2019, July 19). Creating Illustrator Infographics | LinkedIn Learning, formerly LinkedIn.
Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G., Smith, A., & Papadakos, T. (2015). Value Proposition Design. Wiley.
Shari Harley. (2008, August 21). Presentation Skills - Corporate Training. YouTube.
Shep Hyken: Customer Service & CX Expert. (2017, September 3). Ritz Carlton Customer Service Tips. YouTube.
Previous Course IDT552

Previous Course IDT552
