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Terrazzo Floor Cleaning Contractors 2

At Infinity Flooring we have a team of experienced and skilled contractors in Terrazzo floor cleaning and polishing, able to offer a variety of different treatments and solutions, with a philosophy that firmly places the customer at the center. We can transform your terrazzo floor at its best with our range of cleaning, polishing and restoration services.

Refinishing Terrazzo Floors

All too often terrazzo is found hidden under carpet before being revealed by accident. This can leave it riddled with holes from carpet bugs and nails, and the flooring may have suffered significant damage. Refinishing and restoring can help eliminate this, bringing back the surface to be snuffed before polishing.

Restoration of Terrazzo Floors

If your floor has suffered from being carpeted, don’t despair; measures can be taken by experts to restore the condition. This includes using a putty or putty with tiny particles of marble to seal any cracks or chips before moving on to other treatments. Pairing the putty with the floor requires a professional eye to create a seamless end product.

Sharpening Terrazzo

Terrazzo is particularly prone to cracks, so it is important to properly repair weak spots in the surface of the flooring. Lapping can be ideal for filling any remaining damage to your floor. It can be used to mix the putty with the surrounding area, creating a seamless finish.

Polishing Terrazzo Floors

Once your surface has been filled in and sharpened, a final terrazzo floor polish will blend in perfectly with the surroundings, bringing the natural shine to your Terrazzo floor and creating a smooth surface. There are two main options with terrazzo: a velvety satin finish or a high gloss sheen.

Terrazzo Floor Sealing

Terrazzo Sealing provides a protective coating between the stone and the rest of the world. This can reduce damage from scratches and scuffs, as well as any discoloration that may result from cleaning or chemicals.

Terrazzo Deep Cleaning and Stain Removal

Removing terrazzo stains is tricky for any natural stone, so it’s best left to the professionals. Before treating your floor in any way, it is important to start with a deep cleaning and stain removal with Terrazzo. This allows any other processing to occur on a blank surface, giving them the ability to produce full impact. A Terrazzo cleaning can also be a perfect way to freshen up the surface between treatments.

Terrazzo Repairs

Finding and handling repairs early on can save you time, money and effort in the long run. It is important to spot any issues such as cracks or chips in Terrazzo before they have a chance to grow and make repairs quickly. Not only do these defects alter the appearance of your floor, they can also cause additional, potentially costly damage.

Restoration of Terrazzo Grout

The last thing you want is your freshly treated tile to be let down by a dirty grout. The restoration of Terrazzo Grout provides a facelift, easily offering a new feeling of freshness and cleanliness, while helping to preserve and extend the life of the grout.

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Terrazzo Floor Cleaning Contractors 2

Terrazzo Floor Cleaning Contractors 2


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