Dual Art is a graphic design based on Nietzches 'The Birth of Tragedy ' which shows two opposing forces Dionysian and Apollonian

In my work I present both sides as :

Dionysian - Male 
Apollonian - Female 

Both sexes are presenting in geometrical way :

Male - Triangle 
Female - Circle

Those two shapes make an overlap which is specify by light purple .
This color is not an accident its intentional move because purple is the color of Biseksuality and this common part shows how art works.

You have to look at art and create art in both ways to get desired effect 

Now.. look at the letters R and T 

This two letters create a Gallow which makes act of execution on word Gender .

And this is the way how ART kills Gender.
Dual Art

Dual Art

Dual Art is a graphic design based on Nietzches 'The Birth of Tragedy ' which shows two opposing forces Dionysian and Apollonian In my work I pr Read More
