Completed 08.02.13
O B J E C T I V E : 
Redesign the weekly e-mail report card in order to positively impact click-thru-rate and app subcription rate.
Agnitus is an iPhone/iPad app that features for games for early childhood education designed for children ages 2 to 6. 
Agnitus provides fun games developed by educational specialists that give parents a comprehensive skill report that is accessible on demand.
Research: Alexis Park, Jorge Baltazaar, Calvin Hoot
Sketching/Wireframes: Alexis Park, Jorge Baltazaar, Zack DeSario, Calvin Hoot
Final Design: Zack DeSario
U S E R  N E E D  F I N D I N G S : 
• Parents do not want to see their children fall behind
• Value proposition needs to be presented up front in order for the users to understand the subscription model
• Parents want to be involved and in control of their children's development
• Data about their children's learning and progress needs to be presented in a clearer and meaningful way for parents to grasp quickly
U S A B I L I T Y  F I N D I N G S :
• Ambiguous brand recognition - "What is Agnitus?"
• Weekly report needs to be more personal - "This says nothing about my child."
• Data is ambiguous to users - "I'm not sure what this all means."
B E F O R E  &  A F T E R :
F I N A L  D E S I G N  P R O P O S A L : 
• Full name and larger photo of child to validate the personalization of the report
• Logo presented in original context to maintain brand integrity
• Demonstrate the learning value of agnitus by dislaying their previous levels and highlighting how
much the child have progressed
• Large and descriptive call-to-action button (to dashboard) displayed above the fold
F U T U R E  R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S :
• Display letter grades to evoke sense of urgency from users (implemented)
• Incorporate large-scale subscription model (implemented)
• Demonstrate value through on-boarding e-mail


Redesigned the weekly e-mail report for current users to increase click-through-rate.


Creative Fields