Eszter Drienyovszki's profile

City inside - the morphing map project

This is my final exam project. I drawed maps based on real maps, and changed the size of the main poinst accordingly how people use the the marking places.
I planned an interactive homepage where you can choose an action, and the maps start morphing, and show how people see  and feel the city.
how i get the idea
people i asked coud mark places on the internet...
or even on a big handmede map in a pub on a workshop
the dinamic logo of the project
where people love kissing
where people love talking
morphing maps about:
where people love talking/kissing/drinking bear/walking/ride a bike/have party/go to a cultural program
a short video about hte installation
City inside - the morphing map project

City inside - the morphing map project

my final exam project
