NinjaHR improves reporting and performance of employees in your company.
It helps people work better by being able to "share ideas" with their colleagues. Employees get instant clarity on tasks and accomplishments through "feedback". Everyone "feels heard" and works towards the vision of the company.
Scroll Spy
It includes an animated interface where elements are loaded when you scroll down the page giving an interactive user experience.
How it works tutorial
A section with scroll spy effects, with easily annotated section.
A simplified dashbaord with listing of reports and the tasks assigned to various people and the listing of various activities performed in the company.
Reports Listing
The various reports are listed in chronological fashion, where the manager and other members can easily see reports, reviews and rewards easily.
Members Timeline
Creation of Reports
Setting Modals
Members Listing
Report Reminders
Sticky Sidebar
Submit Reports


NinjaHR improves reporting and performance of employees in your company. It helps people work better by being able to "share ideas" with their co Read More
