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Tie-Ins to Current Events Can Help Sell Books

Tie-Ins to Current Events Can Help Sell Books
The most effective book promotion services include creative marketing campaigns that raise awareness and help spark sales. Tie-ins to current events can be especially significant because they draw people's attention promptly. One of the most obvious is the event sponsorships. They're equally effective when close to an author's home base or far away. It's relevant to the book and topic that matters most. It can be a charity golf tournament, blood drive, go-kart race, or nearly anything else. Event planners are always looking for sponsorship dollars to find their plans. Many times, the required amounts aren't high.

Event tie-ins are effective ways to get a book marketing campaign underway from the first moment a book and author are added to a list of sponsors. Many times, sponsor lists are added to event programs, banners, signage, and of course, websites. Sponsor listings can be written in any way that is most useful to promote a book, and it's an author. Events are nearly always covered by media, and when sponsors make themselves available, they will likely be interviewed and mentioned. Because book publicity often begins with smaller media and builds to larger outlets, visibility at an event is an excellent beginning.

If an event includes speeches and presentations, sponsors are often given opportunities – and authors are generally highly regarded as guest speakers. When given a chance to speak, it's wise to make remarks about the topic of the event or something related. It's not a moment for a hard-sell talk about buying books. Depending on the book topic, there may be events with a natural tie-in, and those speaking opportunities can be especially beneficial. It only takes a bit of creativity to find tie-ins that are relevant and easy for potential readers to see. More visibility helps books sell better in the long run.

Because successful book publicity campaigns rely on a combination of tactics, being careful to include event tie-ins is vital. Marketing programs should begin with a well-crafted plan and then adapt as they unfold based on what works – and what doesn't. It's a given that no two books and authors are alike, which makes creativity and uniqueness essential to success. Also, overreliance on any single tactic will seldom bring success. It's a strategic combination of marketing strategies working in support of each other that bring results. Today's bookselling marketplace is super competitive and demands perfection.
Tie-Ins to Current Events Can Help Sell Books

Tie-Ins to Current Events Can Help Sell Books


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