Plastic (Un)Aware
Read more on : Reshape Exhibition
Part of the ReShape Exihibtion at Pragovka Gallery (in Prague). I had the opportunity to create as well as curate my first exhibition. My research took over two years to develop to this final outcome of manipulated everyday plastic bags into a textile that was easy to sculpt.
Plastic is a part of our everyday lives - we consume it then discard it. Accumulating in the environment in hundreds and thousands, it stagnates. Turning into a source of food for abandoned cows and bulls roaming the streets in India who eventually succumb to it. My work focuses on this relationship between the animal and the material. By manipulating and sculpting the everyday plastic bag into the stomach of the cow, I am creating a strong audio piece with the visual structure, along with my documented memories to connect the animal, the culture and the habits intertwined with the event.

Branding by Alexandre Andrada
Plastic (Un)Aware

Plastic (Un)Aware
