The project was designed to a Lighting Fixture Shop. The program proposed by the client was seeking basically to accommodate the variety of light switches and exploit, through niches, the different types of lighting fixtures. On the other hand, we sought to bring a proposal which could be more embracing.
            A furniture construction always comes up with two fundamental constraints which are: functionality and aesthetic. For this project, we worked the composition through the sum of its modules with motion and rotation in an intrinsic way. The dynamics of spin and shape that each piece individually has, seeks to work with the movement of composition and give to the modules a sense of partial occupation in the space, which sometimes seems to be always filled. The choice of a neutral black texture pursues to minimize the role of occupation. In addition, the employment of OSB brings the urban character of the composition. The project was developed with the Zoom+ Arquitetura team.
Team: Arch. Thiago Ferreira | Arch. Diego Tombini | Arch. Felipe Dudko
photos by Marcelo Donadussi
Furniture Design

Furniture Design

Furniture Design for a Lighting Fixtures Store


Creative Fields