The original product was designed by HELLOWOOD architecture company
Wauhaus is a collaborative design and build project with HELLOWOOD, inspired by treehouses. It was designed as accessible and affordable housing for beautiful and unique landscapes. Its outer shell, built of black wood, provides additional warmth for the home, reducing energy consumption.
My role in this project was to construct the miniature model, and assist with the 3D digital model and renderings.
To achieve the texture of wood panels on the miniature model, I used a laser cutter on the outer shell. The fence effect was created with mosquito net. Textiles were used to create the canopy, and wood was used for the stilts.
Created by: Ádám Szabó
Photography: Ádám Szabó
Collaborate with: HelloWood
Balázs Kisgyörgy, Blanka Tímári 

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