TEDxMarcianise 2019

A series of animated videos presenting TEDx Marcianise Speakers.

Production: LaTestuggine (www.latestuggine.it)
Directing: Lorenzo Latrofa
Design & Layout: Milena Tipaldo
Animations: Francesco Forti
Compositing and motion graphics: Riccardo Chiara
Music/Sound: Mauro Mattei
TEDx Team: Valerio Borgianelli Spina, Francesco Cimmino

Change affects people in many stages of life. There are different approaches to changes. Some people lives change as a constant and daily challenge, for others is an utopia placed beyond their limits.

Every day a big or small challenge force to get involved, at work, in love or family life, a call to which everyone responds differently but which necessarily generates change.

Our speakers, playing with the word game Cha(lle)nge, we will investigate the intersection between challenge and change and its opposite, the change that generates challenges: the linear or chaotic becoming in the flow of time that has always stimulated the thought.
TEDxMarcianise 2019