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The Most Common Street Trees of San Francisco

The Dominant Tree Species of San Francisco
In San Francisco, residents and tourists share the sidewalks with nearly 125,000 growing trunks of over 500 different tree species, not including those in parks or designated green spaces. Because San Francisco has a variety of micro-climates and conditions, a wide range of tree species is able to grow in the streets. The UFM’s Open Tree Map records all of this data, including the individual numbers of each street tree, a photo of the specimen, and an assessment of its condition when inspected last year. According to the Urban Forest Map project, the most common tree species of San Francisco is Platanus x hispanica (formerly Platanus x acerifolia), the London planetree, with over 8,500 specimens in total. It is one of the world’s great street trees: it lines the Champs Élysées in Paris, it’s found in a van Gogh painting, and it has been planted in cities from Australia to Alaska.
Tool: ggplot2 and sf in R
Data SF and Open Street Map Contributors

Project: Challenge contribution to #TidyTuesday
The Most Common Street Trees of San Francisco


The Most Common Street Trees of San Francisco
