During the beginning of the COVID-19 consequences in Brazil, many people faced the worst moment in many years: hunger. According to some articles, in April, 860,503 formal jobs were lost. But also, many people in Brazil work their whole life in a unformal job, on streets, selling products and food and with the pandemic, there were a lot less people commuting. 

For this reason, Manje Eco, a vegetarian buffet service in Belo Horizonte started a campaign to receive, manage and distribute food bags and meals for people and groups they knew would be unemployed. They asked me if I could contribute with free graphic design service and I joined them on the campaign.

Develop a social media campaign with support of volunteers in local businesses in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Create designs with a well explained storyline and good visuals to make donations easy, but also be seen as a reliable group of people. 

The design for each story on Instagram would explain why the campaign exists and who is organizing and volunteering. Then, the stories tell how to donate or contribute. After it shows who are these people behind the campaign. Some are LGBTQIA groups, students, local business owners and drivers. Lastly we are showing how the food are being delivered, posting pictures we were allowed to post, and sharing some thoughts people sent us. The campaign is still happening and it grew in a way we are now designing shirts and ecobags in order to sell those and fund more bags of food.

Cores e Sabores

Cores e Sabores
