My Trip to Big Bend.

A series of shots from my trip to Terlingua, Texas in June of 2019, where I visited the Big Bend National Park for the first time.

The photo below captures beautifully the sense of rugged isolation that goes on for miles in this part of the state, signified by the only border between the U.S. and Mexico in this region: The Rio Grande River.
The Rio Grande River as it meanders through the Big Bend National Park, with Mexico on the left side of it, and the United States on the right.
With hikes and climbs of epic proportions the views from the top are breathtaking; as are the stories from the locals. On this exact peak from which the photo above was taken, we learned from some local kayaking guides that a scene from Spy Kids 3 was shot here. While you may be thinking: "Spy Kids 3 is nothing to write home about", you would be correct; however, it is the story about the crane that toppled over the side of this mountain during the production of this movie and into the Rio Grande below that makes this obscure piece of info a lot more interesting. Not to worry, no one was injured as it happened while the crew was on lunch break, but the locals say they did notice the stunt actress drinking a little more than usual at the local bar that night.
The variety of colors and textures in the rock formations here are spectacular. Its common to see an outcropping of rocks like this jutting out of the earth also serving as a natural corral for for some locals to keep their horses and donkeys in.

Surprises come not only in the vast diversity of the landscape but also in the surprises you may find when going through your photos after the trip is done.

This photo below is my favorite. Why? It's all in the details.
When I took this shot, the only thing I was focused on, was the beautiful, lonely plateau in front of me. Imagine my surprise when after looking through the photos on my computer, I discover a tiny person in a red shirt at the top of this massive rock, silhouetted against the sky to the left.

Who was that? How did they get up there? I may never know, but I bet the view was spectacular. 
Look very closely at this photo. At the very top on the left where the cloud appears to "touch" the mountain, you can clearly see a person standing there in a red shirt.

Below is the same photo zoomed in on the person in red. Hello up there!
Oh the surprises you'll find ....

Now lets talk about red ...

By far the best thing about about the terrain here is the brilliant colors.
From vibrant rusty-hued reds, to brilliant oranges and golden tones of sandstone. It is common to see entire mountains, like the one pictured below, filled with this gorgeous mixture of colors.
The gorgeous colors and textures of the Chihuahuan Desert on full display in this series of photographs.

Don't forget the blues!

While this desert has many warm colors, you can also find plenty of cool tones out here as well, especially during June when massive storms can form and pass in the blink of an eye.
The storms that blew in during my stay here made the experience all the more surreal. The intensity with which they come and go was truly mesmerizing, and at some times, frightening.
With the temperature going from 109 degrees F and sunny, to 70 degrees and cloudy with winds you can see coming from miles away due to the amount of debris and rain it catches. And boy do these storms bring lightning! In one storm alone we experienced extreme winds, rain, hail, lightning, and even a full double-rainbow afterwards.

If I had to describe the weather here in two words I would choose : Frighteningly Beautiful
The faint double rainbow can barely be seen above the bright bottom bow after a hail storm.
The experience of visiting this vast wilderness was one I will never forget, and one I hope to have again in the future.
Big Bend Texas

Big Bend Texas
