Zexil rendition image
Zexil rendition image
Zexil rendition image
Zexil rendition image
Zexil rendition image
Zexil rendition image
Zexil rendition image
Zexil rendition image
Zexil rendition image
Zexil rendition image
Zexil rendition image
Zexil rendition image
Zexil rendition image


Create stunning visual impact with ZEXIL 3D fonts. Many ready-made color options, metallic and matte surfaces. 5 tilt options for each color. Easy to use at work. Just write your text and apply this font. Combine different letters and get an amazing visual effect. Have fun experiments) Features: -Real 3D effect -5 positions for each colors -Different colors & materials -Uppercase and lowercase letters are the same -Kerning ld.luxfont@gmail.co
Filetype: ZIP
Size: 132.0 MB
License: Standard Commercial License