Sligo 21 rendition image
Sligo 21 rendition image
Sligo 21 rendition image
Sligo 21 rendition image
Sligo 21 rendition image
Sligo 21 rendition image
Sligo 21 rendition image
Sligo 21 rendition image
Sligo 21 rendition image
Sligo 21 rendition image

Sligo 21

The etherial beauty of ireland is perhaps nowhere better to be enjoyed than in Sligo's countryside, blanketed in snow on a moonlit night. Rolling hills, adorned with a soft quilt of snow, create a serene and silent tableau, and silver beams shimmer in reflections from lakes, rivers, and fields. Ancient stone walls and rustic cottages stand as stoic sentinels of the winter's embrace, while each brushstroke can whisper tales of quietude, inviting t
Filetype: JPG
Size: 17.2 MB
License: Personal License