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Anfisa and Animals - set of postcards
Anfisa and Animals — set of funny postcards cards about little hooligan girl and her friends.

Idea, design, lettering and distichs: Alexander Toropchin
Illustrations: Vitaly Ilyin
Distichs: Galina Bozhock
Translation: Shashi Do

Made in BARBA
Anfisa and Animals(Anfisa i zveri)

Anfisa is mustering Mice’s grand swarm
Wearing the powerful chAnfisa and the Mice

Anfisa is writing her sonnets with quills
The Swans are stark-naked, and catching a chill

Anfisa is making the Hippo foureyes
His nausea he simply cannot disguise

Anfisa aspires without a coach
To skillfully wrestle bristles of the Roach

Anfisa has painted the antlers of Deer 
She’s lazy, hence clean are the sides and the rear

Anfisa is crumbling the pastry around
By crumbles all Centipedes are quite spellbound

Anfisa’s enjoying her windowsill scenery:
The Hedgehogs are succulent thorny pot greenery

Anfisa is loading the worrisome Dove
With some outrageously punitive stuff

Anfisa is sure that every Whale 
Could certainly master melodious wail

Anfisa is happy to help and consort
The Kangaroo’s baby she’s taking on board

Anfisa believes that the Bugs are no fright
The Bugs are prudential: no fight, better flight

Anfisa surprises the Lion no end
He’s got for his birthday the muffins of sand

Anfisa is lacing her luxury shoes
With two Worms that are dangling loose

Anfisa adores the Jellyfish ways:
In her stingy leggings she stubbornly stays

Anfisa is torturing Snakes, for it matters:
For her and her mommy she’s making nice sweaters

Anfisa is dreading the ghastly Wood Louse
Come night, and the Louse is haunting the house

Anfisa swops things in her fanciful manner
The telly has horns, and the Goat has antennae
Anfisa is definite: Rhinos must wear
Not just one horn but fifteen, everywhere

Anfisa makes moths surrender and yield:
The back of the Panda’s a lavender field

Anfisa is in command of the Shrimps
And numerous other aquatic nymphs

Anfisa cuts open the Cuckoo’s neck
She is taking out the batteries pack

Anfisa is puzzled by the Fox’s hairstyle
She’ll tend to it closely in a short while

Anfisa sees through the Donkey’s sweet soul
Subduing him well with the raspberry bowl

Anfisa doesn’t need any juicer, so far
She squeezes the Heron’s carrot nectar

Anfisa bites the Giraffe in the nape
And neither the others can really escape

Anfisa is treating the Cat with a party
The Cat is enjoying her borschtch, and her latte
Anfisa and Animals - set of postcards

Anfisa and Animals - set of postcards

Set of funny postcards cards about hooligan girl and her friends.
