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Treking in Kedarkantha

Preparation Tips for Kedarkantha Trek

The history of Kedarkantha trek dates back to the 19th century when it was first explored by British mountaineers. They were amazed by the beauty of this place and decided to make it a popular trekking destination. Since then, Kedarkantha has become one of the most sought-after treks in India.

Apart from its natural beauty, Kedarkantha also has a rich cultural heritage associated with it. The locals believe that Lord Shiva meditated on this mountain for many years and hence it is considered sacred by them. There are several temples dedicated to Lord Shiva in this region which are visited by pilgrims during their trekking journey.

Kedarkantha Trek is a popular trekking destination in the Garhwal Himalayas of Uttarakhand. It is located at an altitude of 12,500 feet and offers stunning views of the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas. The Kedarkantha trek difficulty level  is considered moderate and requires some level of fitness and experience.

The trail then leads to Juda Ka Talab, a high-altitude lake surrounded by lush meadows. This is a great spot for camping and taking in the beauty of nature. From here, you will ascend further to reach Kedarkantha base camp at an altitude of 11,000 feet. This is where you will spend your night before heading towards the summit on the next day.

The final ascent to Kedarkantha peak requires some technical climbing skills as it involves crossing over snow patches and negotiating steep slopes. The summit offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys below. After spending some time at the summit, you will descend back to Sankri village via Juda Ka Talab and complete your trekking journey.

Kedarkantha trek best time to visit  is from December to March. During this period, the weather is pleasant and ideal for trekking. The temperature ranges from -5°C to 10°C during this time, making it comfortable for trekkers. The snow-covered trails make it even more beautiful and exciting. 

The months of April and May are also good for visiting Kedarkantha as the weather is milder during this time. However, there may be some rain during these months so it’s important to be prepared with waterproof gear and clothing. 

The summer months of June to August are not ideal for visiting Kedarkantha as the temperature can get quite hot during this time. It can also be quite humid which makes it difficult to trek in such conditions. 

The monsoon season from September to November is also not suitable for visiting Kedarkantha as there may be heavy rainfall which can make the trails slippery and dangerous. 

Overall, December to March is considered the best time to visit Kedarkantha Trek as the weather is pleasant and perfect for trekking in these months. So if you’re planning a trip to Kedarkantha Trek, make sure you plan your trip accordingly!

Kedarkantha Trek is a great way to explore nature’s beauty while challenging yourself 

Kedarkantha Trek Tour Package and Cost

Kedarkantha trek tour package is available for both beginners and experienced trekkers. The package includes accommodation, meals, transportation, guide services, and other necessary equipment. The cost of the package depends on the duration of the trek and the number of people in your group. 

The Kedarkantha Trek Tour Package usually starts from Delhi or Dehradun. From there you will be taken to Sankri village by road or air depending on your preference. Once you reach Sankri village you will start your trek to Kedarkantha peak which is at an altitude of 12500 feet above sea level. During this trek you will get to witness some breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks like Swargarohini, Bandarpoonch, Kalanag and many more. You will also get to explore some beautiful meadows like Juda Ka Talab and Hargaon Talab along with dense forests filled with pine trees. 

Kedarkantha trek budget for a 5 day Tour Package starts from Rs 10500 per person which includes accommodation in tents/guesthouses/hotels (depending on availability), all meals during the trek (breakfast, lunch & dinner), transportation from Delhi/Dehradun to Sankri village and back, guide services & other necessary equipment like sleeping bags & mats etc. 

So if you are looking for an exciting adventure that offers stunning views then Kedarkantha Trek is definitely worth considering physically and mentally.
Treking in Kedarkantha

Treking in Kedarkantha


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