Above is a quick sketch of my idea that I did with pencil on computer paper. I then scanned it, resized it and used my light pad (similar to a light table) to start the final drawing on arches hot pressed watercolor paper.
I then outlined the drawing using my new rapidographs. This is my first time using them for a drawing! I used them a lot in my early years of architecture school and always found them fun, but a pain in the ass because i never took good care of them (nor did i realize how often they really need to be cleaned to prevent them from clogging)
This image is after I added color to the drawing by using watercolors. 
Here is the final product (i need to work on my signature! i never like it on any of my final pieces of art). After the watercolors, I used colored pencil to add more dimension to the drawing and then fixed some of the linework with the rapidographs. 


This project was done using rapidographs, watercolors and colored pencils on watercolor paper
