Giovanna Costa's profile

Product Redesign | Enviou

Enviou is a company that offers Marketing Automations and E-mail Marketing tools for e-commerce businesses, such as Abandoned Cart Recovery, Boleto Payment, Re-purchases, among others.
The Problem
The first limitation noticed was related to its products. The users felt constrained, desiring to perform more actions within the platform but lacking the structure to do so. Additionally, during the process, we conducted a Heuristic Evaluation, where several usability issues were identified, especially with heuristics 1, 2, 4, 5, and 8 (visibility of the system status; match between the system and the real world; consistency and standards; error prevention; aesthetic and minimalist design) consistently being violated throughout most of the system, frequently manifesting as Noise, Obstacles, and Barriers, often featured as Severe.

Then after spending time with the project and on research, we understood that the problem was deeper: we started talking to people, understanding our non-clients, potential clients and people from the market "how are these people dealing with their brands, their projects and their jobs?", "how they interact with symbols?".

The company is called "Enviou," which translates to "Had Sent" in English (past perfect) and with the rapid growth of deliveries and e-commerces, the brand and the name itself began to be strongly associated with delivery services, as the logo symbol featured a cloud in a cart format.​​​​​​​
The Goal
My goal was to find a solution to provide users with a smoother journey within the system, aiming to create new ways of interacting with their client's, promoting higher conversion rates, in order to establish Enviou as a solid brand and big reference in the market of Marketing Automations.​​​​​​​
What can we hold onto?
The main advantages of Enviou are its user-friendly platform, which simplifies complex automations and processes into easy-to-follow steps. And another key aspect is that its E-mail Marketing (newsletter creator) can target a broader audience beyond just e-commerce owners.
Product Innovation
The Product's Concept
One of the main points of the product’s change lays in the differentiation on the concept of "Marketing Automations" and Email Marketing. The biggest difference between them is that automations already ‘automate’ processes, making the user's journey in executing daily tasks easier, by integrating with the e-commerce platforms they use, thus making everything more convenient. The “E-mail Marketing” is related to newsletters and other types of communication.

New Features
Now, Marketing Automations not only encompass the traditional Cart Recovery and Boleto Payment features but also include Re-purchase, Custom Trigger, and Browse Abandonment functionalities. These additions represent a broader scope of complex features. However, the challenge was to uphold Enviou's core strength: being an easy-to-use platform.​​​​​​​

Now, Enviou not only sends E-mails but also Push Notifications, WhatsApp Messages, and SMS. While the method of organizing the content to be sent remains the same, there's now a wide array of options for delivering them, allowing users to target their audience in the manner they deem most suitable for their needs.

The product concept change also brought changes to pricing. The Marketing Automation subscription now includes all five features. Each selected channel has its own pricing, offering customization based on user needs. Additionally, users can purchase extra credits when their balance runs out.
Layout and UI previews
Launch and Conclusions
The final project is currently in the launch phase, with a small group of users having early access to it during the initial stages of development. Feedback so far has been overwhelmingly positive, with a noticeable reduction in rapid click rates. However, these results are temporary and not very mature. We'll have a clearer picture once the product is officially launched. Additionally, the visual identity has been well-received and will be showcased in a separate post.

First Changes
The first impact we realized after we started adressing our first real problem, was that not only e-commerces started looking for us after the brand redesign, but other types of clients, people that wanted to use our marketing automations – they stopped mistaking us for delivery services. A big win.
Product Redesign | Enviou


Product Redesign | Enviou
