"A Career with the Navy: This bowtie is a nod to my current job working as a medical examiner for NCIS (Navy Criminal Investigative Service). I’ve worked many cases over the years. This reminds me of this one time when I got to go undercover. I wore a dreadful disguise but it was quite thrilling. It was a damp night and I played a key player in an arms deal. I was tasked with getting information. I was told from my boss that I was a natural. It was going smoothly and I got to use the French I learned in grade school. I was compromised but it all worked out in the end. Enjoy this bowtie. It’s a way to honor all the fallen men and women I have gotten the privelage to meet."
"Mother's Corgis: This Scottie dog bow reminds me of my very Scottish mother who I lived with for many years before she passed away. She had many corgi dogs and it reminds me of a time when NCIS agents, Kate and Tony, were watching over my mother for me when I was in trouble. My mother gave those agents a run for their money. She had them grooming all the corgis. I walked in the house later that evening to an agent blow-drying the corgi’s fur. I shook my head and said, “Mother, these agents are here to protect us!” She did have dementia at the time and really didn’t know what was going on. She thought Tony was an Italian furniture mover the whole time! Enjoy this bow tie. It’s very near and dear to me."
"My Treasured Automobile: Ah, my pride and joy. This bowtie is to pay homage to my vintage Morgan Roadster. It’s been through many different scenarios and has been a loyal vehicle to me. It does remind me of this one time when my assistant, Gerald, was kidnapped by one of NCIS’ most wanted. I went to meet them to trade myself in for him. I foolishly drove my Morgan to meet them and told Gerald to drive off with my car. He went
to go but did not have a clue how to drive the thing. It made a god-awful noise and he ended up stripping the gears the whole way down the street. 
It wasn’t pretty, but he got away and eventually so did I. Enjoy this bow tie, it serves as a reminder of how much my Morgan meant and still means
to me."
Mallard's Bowties

Mallard's Bowties


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