Mirovian Media's profile

«BelStroy» company — corporate identity development.

Complex improvement of city streets and public spaces (parks, squares, as well as overhaul of underground pedestrian crossings) are «BelStroy's» main occupations. Currently, the company is specialized in the city project programs implementation — «My Street» and «Complex Improvement of Departing Highways».

At the heart of the corporate style is a schematic image of the park. Uniting with the main building symbol - helmet - this visual solution displays the company's activities and its scope. Green is the corporate color. It fits nicely into the urban environment and gives freshness, intersecting with the idea of parks’ improvement.

Wall and pocket calendars, flags, business cards, pens, diaries and a website are also developed.

«BelStroy» company — corporate identity development.

«BelStroy» company — corporate identity development.

Разработка фирменного стиля компании «БелСтрой» Основным направлением деятельности компании «БелСтрой» являются работы по комплексному благоуст Read More
